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i wont say williams滚 cuz he strikess me as a grandpa who is knowledgable and is edward said's friend and i respect him very much for this reasson. can't say 滚 to a grandpa eh

maybe marxist theory is not for me. there's still time for me to try out that translational topic


However, if these structural features are indeed present in female authors’ self-depictions, and if neither the reductionist, homogenised categorisation of Jelinek nor a simple negation of the gender factor can suffice, how should they otherwise be viewed?

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发现之前pressentation给了16分 我觉得对于一个学生来说16/20挺好的但是我现在的心情不好所以只要不是20/20我就可以不活了

我不能就好好地看williams吗卧槽受不了自己什么毛病啊为什么我要bring in这么多别的 。 可是之前的小作业我都是这么过来的 我不想活了


i love complit exactly because it is so unemployable(true

哪怕是joint degree我也能在两个科目里找出一个稍微没那么employable的来prefer

好想哭 一看到自己写的法国人文学论文就觉得我生来就应该写法国人文学论文,但是仅仅是来到一个、或者维持一个能写法国人文学论文的位置太难了

没关系我想哭 没关系我只要学一下法语 我只是普通地对罗兰巴特感兴趣 我只是想要为了兴趣而活下去 这该不会是什么很难的事情吧

我要回到迷宫中心 没事 我喜欢罗兰巴特 i truly do

我想在西班牙教授面前哭 教授你说罗兰巴特能不能带我走啊



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