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重磅 刷小红书好像刷到了毛象网友说的老公出轨然后做播客大骂摆姿态的那个人 好好笑

去年四月,艺术家Joshua Jenkins在推特上发布了为极乐迪斯科创作的概念设计图,里面有一个藏得很深的点:在极乐世界中,存在“加密传输现象”,这是一种从未来流向过去的信息流,通过某些不为人知的方式传送,只有少部分人能够解读这种信息,这些人被称为“喜鹊”。历史上所有的无罪者都是喜鹊(德洛丽丝黛就是其中的佼佼者),她们利用未来的知识和技术推动文明发展,使用历史提供的“正确答案”来引领历史,但解读信息的过程有一种副产物,就是吞噬世界的灰域。一切文明的进步都伴随着毁灭的接近,德洛丽丝黛时代的超前发明是否加速了灰域的扩散,被称为“反无罪者”的索拉拒绝使用无罪者的能力干涉历史,是否就是因为灰域已经扩张到不可挽回的地步?

@fulkrum 欧乐b的旋转款便宜也干净,就是电池容易耗尽,我用了某款国产网红品牌,可能是萌牙之类的,300多,不仅刷得干净而且居然一年多才充一次电……

@fulkrum 因为感觉电动牙刷的主流价位在300上下,低于100的很少有耐用的型号,基本都是装个样子,能通过市场检验的产品卖300块主要是要维持品牌形象,实际上刨掉各种赠品价格可以低很多,可以上阿里那个批发平台看看(

我到底要穿多少天才能把失手买的这个贵洞洞鞋穿回本 :ablobcatcry:


Fedi history 

There is a huge history of nazis on the fedi. That's why we have blocklist and opinions on software.

Before mastodon there was They had no issues hosting actual (neo)nazis. Those nazis were so nazi that even twitter banned them.

Pleroma had neonazi in their main dev team. I mean swastika and all that jazz neo-nazi.
A large chunk of the dev was paid by a Cam porn mogul, but even he had to disengage because the nazis were too strong to be wrestle with.

Husky was forked from Tusky because Tusky banned gab. the H in husky stands for Hitler.

Fedilab banned gab in their app, but later undid the ban because they were not legally obliged (because google play T&C didn't explicitly made them).

The Calckey/Firefish Dev fabricated outrage (as in photoshopped screenshot) so that their shitty behaviour would be excusable (You'll see that faction still being but hurt and creating alts to stir shit on the regular).

Soapbox is made by transphobe, specifically the UK gender critical strain.

The only software named above that is good and made by decent people is Tusky. The rest while also open source is very much created by people with the worse kind of ideologies.

Monads, myasstodon, a few more instances (+ 100 of alts everywhere) were colourist.
To avoid the consequence of that, they targeted a new community every week for what seemed like years. Accusing queer people of being racist, accusing black people of being transphobe, accusing furry to be pedos.

@spacesea 一条这样努力挣扎不惜贷款的男人折磨起来更美味

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